Friday, 23 September 2011

Battlefield 3 Beta

Electronic Arts unveils the multiplayer beta for Battlefield 3 which starts September 29 so unless you have pre-ordered the game or purchase a limited edition of Medal of Honor, in which case you will benefit from early access from September 27. The beta will allow you to discover Paris through different environments make up the decor of Operation Metro Map. Whichever mode Rush mode in which a team must overcome the defenses of another. The beta will be available on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

In addition, EA has finally delivered the system requirements to run the game on PC, we entrust you all to go.

Minimum requirements:
- Dual Core Processor
- GeForce 3870 8800GT/Radeon
- 2 GB RAM

- Quad Core Processor
- GeForce 6950 GTX560/Radeon
- 4 GB of RAM

Battlefield 3 5 multiplayer modes

EA and Dice are broadcasting every detail of the five multiplayer modes that you can find in the FPS Battlefield 3! Knowing that each mode can be played by disabling vehicles (there will be while the infantry and transport on the battlefield) and Extreme mode (greater penalties and no indication on the screen almost ). Without further ado, here are the details of the five modes!
Team Deathmatch
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24 (12 against 12)
- Type: infantry combat team
- Objective: to eliminate a certain number of enemies
- Victory: reaching the first predetermined number of eliminations
Multiplayer among the most traditional, the Deathmatch team returns after a long absence from Battlefield 1942, the first of the series. In this mode no vehicles. The struggle between two teams of 12 players on maps to restricted environments with an emphasis on infantry combat.
Deathmatch Squad
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 16 (4 squads of 4 soldiers)
- Type: combat infantry squad
- Objective: to eliminate a certain number of enemies
- Victory: reaching the first predetermined number of eliminations
Compared to the version as a team, the squad Deathmatch is a more dynamic and larger, which also includes an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV). The VCI is very useful when fighting stagnant, as you use your engineers to effectively maintain the status. With four squads battling against each other, it's a constant battle that is played from beginning to end of the game to try to take the lead and keep it. Victory depends on your ability to cooperate with your teammates, and to provide care, supplies and repairs that may need your squad. Teamwork is also important in this mode the individual effectiveness in combat.
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24/32 (Console / PC)
- Type: Total War-based objectives
- Objective: attack / defend communication relay
- Victory: Destroy all the relays (forwards) / exhaust tickets to the attacker (defender)
After making his debut in Battlefield: Bad Company, Rush returns to the heart of the series in Battlefield 3. In this mode-based targets, the attackers should begin to blow and the pairs relay communication in every area of ​​the map to access the next area, with other relays. Defenders have an unlimited number of tickets of recurrence, in contrast to the attackers, who do get new after destroying a pair of relays. To win, the attackers must destroy all the relay card. As advocates, they won the game if they manage to exhaust the attackers tickets (by eliminating them). As a way of war, Rush has a variety of vehicles selected specifically to fit the terrain and the characteristics of the chosen card. You will find among other transport tanks, helicopters and, of course, hunters.
Rush in squad
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 8 (4 against 4)
- Type: combat infantry squad
- Objective: attack / defend communication relay
- Victory: Destroy all the relays (forwards) / exhaust tickets to the attacker (defender)
This mode is the test of choice for players who want to prove their superiority in squad. This is a very tight battle between two squads which incorporates the rules of the normal rush, but in a much more intimate. This time, there are only two bases, each with a single relay, which means that each relay is vitally important for victory or defeat. No vehicle is available in this mode, you can count on your skills in infantry combat. To succeed, it is essential that the soldiers of the same squad complement each other to fill all the roles needed: resuscitation of the fallen crew, ammunition supply and other critical tasks. This method is often preferred by players who know the style of play and their partners who want to show what they are worth in the context of the fight more personal.
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24/32 or 64 (Console / PC)
- Type: Total War-based objectives
- Objective: to capture and store the flags
- Victory: exhaust the opposing team's tickets
The Conquest is definitely the most classic multiplayer Battlefield. Presented for the first time in Battlefield 1942, this mode has defined the entire series. Organized on large-scale maps, this mode is ideal for embarking on war vehicles. In Conquest, both teams are battling for control of flags by setting their forces around each base. If you can capture and retain more than half of the flag, the enemy will gradually lose their tickets. Kill the enemies to reduce their number of tickets. The first team ran out of tickets loses the game.
Very strategic in this mode, you will have to decide whether to attack the enemy or defend your own base, a choice often decisive. Your forces are rarely sufficient to capture and store all the bases, it is essential to communicate with his teammates and learn to make decisions in the heat of battle to victory.

Battlefield 3 info

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Battlefield 3 Guillotine trailer

Battlefield 3: Operation Guillotine Trailer

EA would like to reassure us about the graphic quality of its FPS on Xbox 360 by spreading this video. Here are the highlights of Operation Guillotine, one of the single-player missions of the game taking place in Tehran, the Iranian capital.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3: War of pre-orders

It is not known yet which of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3, will win the sales war this fall in the domain of big budget FPS, but what is known is that two shares are at record levels of pre-order. Thus, an executive of Electronic Arts announced that Battlefield 3 has already recorded more than 1.25 million pre-orders, which represents a high figure. On the other side, Activision stated that there is little pre-orders of Modern Warfare 3 were still higher than those of Call of Duty: Black Ops, which had amounted to 1.4 million copies last year Shortly before the release of the game promises to be tight fight between two giants!

Sunday, 11 September 2011



Description: Battlefield 3 is an FPS that immerses you in 2014, in a realistic setting, where you play as a member of the Marines, Sergeant Black. The title features the Frostbite 2 3D engine, providing management of the destruction never seen before. In addition to its single-player campaign, the title features a multiplayer mode for up to 24 players.
Genre: Online Shooter
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Digital Illusions CE (DICE)
Online Play: 24 Versus
Expansions: Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand


For more trailers and gameplays go on videos.


With Battlefield 1942, a benchmark for multi FPS, the talent of DICE had literally exploded in the eyes of the world. It was early in this century. Almost ten years later, the Swedish studio continues to feed even more ambitious by saying Battlefield 3 through his desire to design a particularly immersive single player campaign. However, as fans of fist fights between players can rest assured that the multiplayer aspect will not be forgotten. Far from it! In any case, what the developers got down to show us through a presentation once again breathtaking.This time for sure, the war between BF and Call of Duty is well and truly launched. And the least we can say is that the title of DICE has serious points to make.

If DICE had far shown great ambition with regard to the single player campaign across multiple video and a compelling presentation first, a sort of veil had yet been placed on the multiplayer game of Battlefield 3. However, nobody was really worried because this is something that the developers must treat not to disappoint the many fans of the old parts as well as potential newcomers attracted by the advertisements and communication made around the title. Nevertheless, the time for secrets is now over. The Swedish studio decided to reveal some valuable information about the multi and let us spend a good hour on it, just to make everyone understand how BF3 has the potential to surpass all competition.
The war between Battlefield and Call of Duty is declared! The developers began their presentation with a brief theoretical presentation of the game very general first issue focused on the effort by the studio to keep the identity of the series. DICE has explained that the game design was done entirely in-house. No part of production has been outsourced. Which is actually quite rare nowadays. Among the most important sites, there are of course the famous Frostbite engine 2. It took a lot of work ahead of the mechanical design of the game so that we arrive at a result which is now the pride of the teams in the studio. In addition to an impressive graphics rendering, it offers including greater leeway to developers in the development of gameplay. And maybe it's the most important. But we will come back. Next confirmation, DICE reiterated that multiplayer games can accommodate up to 64 participants on PC consoles as players cannot be that 24 simultaneously, either on 360 or PS3. As expected, in terms of maps, one will find many huge open environments but also other less extensive for different modes of play The presence of a co-op mode, which should provide at least ten unique missions in addition to any as provided in multiplayer, was also discussed. Finally, the image of Need for Speed ​​franchise, Battlefield 3 will incorporate an equivalent of Autolog but further: the Battlelog. It is therefore a kind of social platform which should allow a full multiplayer experience ever.
The game retains the identity of the series. The program is attractive but does it in practice, all this is fun to play. So we grabbed the mouse and earnestly ask our hands on the keyboard carefully to check that. The developers wanted us to try only the Rush mode on a map taking place in Paris and on which 32 players were invited (16 against 16). All on a PC version. The context in turn was relatively simple since we embodied the US Marines drive the Russians left of our beautiful capital. As for the attackers, the purpose of the mission, entitled Operation Metro, was to secure different areas and placing explosive charges on specific goals. In front, the defenders had to cope with the sudden waves of enemies by holding the position as long as possible. The map was outlined broadly into three distinct areas. We start first in a magnificent park typically French with its huge basins, statues majestic, magnificent fountains, countless trees sheltering pedestrians from the sun and the Eiffel Tower in the background. A little piece of paradise that will turn into a battlefield on which a carpet of bombs is going to come crashing to create paths to access the subway. The second area is so underground. The light there is always more discreet and the playground is tightening. The action takes place successively in corridors, on more open platforms (basically, where everyone spends the tickets) and finally, on the docks with the possibility to go down on track and back to inside the subways stopped. Finally, once out of the depths of Paris, it landed in an urban area with tons of buildings within which it is possible to hide. Three locations for three different approaches to action. Initially, the park is actually very open and should therefore be wary of anything that is shot from a distance. It progresses slowly and in small successive wave to repel the enemy as far as possible. When you enter the subway, the action becomes more nervous because of the appearance of confined places. Each movement must be weighed and weighed. The corners are numerous and it is very difficult to remain hidden for more than two seconds. There are also several entries possible, which gives a lot of opportunities at the tactical level. It will work anyway as a team to stay alive. Finally, the gameplay is more vertical in the latter area with all buildings providing new opportunities for players to hide. So many places that can take on the appearance of traps if you are spotted.  In short, we must watch his back and the mini-map.
unlockables than ever, history that each player can customize their avatar up. And it is a priority not just weapons or grenades but real changes dramatically altering the gameplay. To get out alive clashes, it was also necessary to make good use of this small armoured vehicle on the map that could carry up to six people. With its ultra-efficient machine guns and shells devastating, he had a real influence on the conduct of the parties. More generally, again, DICE has certified that the players can have fun by flying helicopters and jets or driving tanks. As usual with the series, we therefore expect a wide variety of vehicles.
Total immersion in the heart of conflict. The studio Scandinavian confirms through these promises that Battlefield 3 will offer much all the elements that made the success of its predecessors. It's at least what is expected of him. In fact, the real upset with this new episode is indeed the new version of the Frostbite Engine. As expected, it worked wonders. Visually, the game surpasses currently offering very competitive environments such blatant realism. The textures are fine and especially the different explosion effects impressive. To top it off, the engine also seems particularly well handle everything comes to light. We also saw how the developers had the attention to detail. Take the example of an explosive charge. When it detonates, not only the point of impact will be devastated, but the blast will also vibrate all that is around, the leaves of trees covering the ground with herbs. This should further enhance the immersion of players into battle. Particular attention was also given to the soundscape. We hear the soldiers shouting at every turn, their voices echoing in the corridors of the metro, the bullets graze our eardrums, the shots of buildings exploding. We never felt so involved in a conflict. Great art. Difficult to spread, however, because all the animation was not yet implemented. We will wait to see more to judge but for now, the flow shown in the video seems to go. More generally, beyond just the purely aesthetic, the second version of the Frostbite Engine provides a new dimension to the above gameplay. The engine house DICE allows players to destroy more and more elements of the decor. No hiding place can be sure more than a few seconds. Each shot bonus raises a pile of dust that completely blocks your vision. It will therefore remain particularly vigilant at all times. And that is precisely what makes the strength of Battlefield 3. All players must remain mobile. The action is extremely nervous. We must constantly move from a standing position to sleep and get up to run, take cover and move again. Our feelings were in any case very good during the game. After a short adjustment period, we find ourselves caught up in what is happening on the screen and it has only one desire: to never let go of the mouse. This is of course very good sign.
If anyone was still awaiting confirmation of the tremendous potential for Battlefield3, here. This game session has simply proved enjoyable. We can only show dazzled by all the work around the engine Frostbite 2. This allows an immersion in the heart of even greater battles and offers a new dimension to gameplay. As a bonus, they found the famous clean feeling to the series, allowing us to think that this game will probably be up to the line of FPS which it is derived. Of course, there are still a lot of grey areas surrounding this episode. We are still far from having seen it all. The console versions are such mysterious and some aspects still require a lot of work to level the rest. But at this stage of development, we are extremely excited at the moment. BF3 will certainly be one of the heavyweights of the season.