Friday, 23 September 2011

Battlefield 3 5 multiplayer modes

EA and Dice are broadcasting every detail of the five multiplayer modes that you can find in the FPS Battlefield 3! Knowing that each mode can be played by disabling vehicles (there will be while the infantry and transport on the battlefield) and Extreme mode (greater penalties and no indication on the screen almost ). Without further ado, here are the details of the five modes!
Team Deathmatch
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24 (12 against 12)
- Type: infantry combat team
- Objective: to eliminate a certain number of enemies
- Victory: reaching the first predetermined number of eliminations
Multiplayer among the most traditional, the Deathmatch team returns after a long absence from Battlefield 1942, the first of the series. In this mode no vehicles. The struggle between two teams of 12 players on maps to restricted environments with an emphasis on infantry combat.
Deathmatch Squad
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 16 (4 squads of 4 soldiers)
- Type: combat infantry squad
- Objective: to eliminate a certain number of enemies
- Victory: reaching the first predetermined number of eliminations
Compared to the version as a team, the squad Deathmatch is a more dynamic and larger, which also includes an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV). The VCI is very useful when fighting stagnant, as you use your engineers to effectively maintain the status. With four squads battling against each other, it's a constant battle that is played from beginning to end of the game to try to take the lead and keep it. Victory depends on your ability to cooperate with your teammates, and to provide care, supplies and repairs that may need your squad. Teamwork is also important in this mode the individual effectiveness in combat.
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24/32 (Console / PC)
- Type: Total War-based objectives
- Objective: attack / defend communication relay
- Victory: Destroy all the relays (forwards) / exhaust tickets to the attacker (defender)
After making his debut in Battlefield: Bad Company, Rush returns to the heart of the series in Battlefield 3. In this mode-based targets, the attackers should begin to blow and the pairs relay communication in every area of ​​the map to access the next area, with other relays. Defenders have an unlimited number of tickets of recurrence, in contrast to the attackers, who do get new after destroying a pair of relays. To win, the attackers must destroy all the relay card. As advocates, they won the game if they manage to exhaust the attackers tickets (by eliminating them). As a way of war, Rush has a variety of vehicles selected specifically to fit the terrain and the characteristics of the chosen card. You will find among other transport tanks, helicopters and, of course, hunters.
Rush in squad
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 8 (4 against 4)
- Type: combat infantry squad
- Objective: attack / defend communication relay
- Victory: Destroy all the relays (forwards) / exhaust tickets to the attacker (defender)
This mode is the test of choice for players who want to prove their superiority in squad. This is a very tight battle between two squads which incorporates the rules of the normal rush, but in a much more intimate. This time, there are only two bases, each with a single relay, which means that each relay is vitally important for victory or defeat. No vehicle is available in this mode, you can count on your skills in infantry combat. To succeed, it is essential that the soldiers of the same squad complement each other to fill all the roles needed: resuscitation of the fallen crew, ammunition supply and other critical tasks. This method is often preferred by players who know the style of play and their partners who want to show what they are worth in the context of the fight more personal.
- Availability: on 9 maps
- Players: 24/32 or 64 (Console / PC)
- Type: Total War-based objectives
- Objective: to capture and store the flags
- Victory: exhaust the opposing team's tickets
The Conquest is definitely the most classic multiplayer Battlefield. Presented for the first time in Battlefield 1942, this mode has defined the entire series. Organized on large-scale maps, this mode is ideal for embarking on war vehicles. In Conquest, both teams are battling for control of flags by setting their forces around each base. If you can capture and retain more than half of the flag, the enemy will gradually lose their tickets. Kill the enemies to reduce their number of tickets. The first team ran out of tickets loses the game.
Very strategic in this mode, you will have to decide whether to attack the enemy or defend your own base, a choice often decisive. Your forces are rarely sufficient to capture and store all the bases, it is essential to communicate with his teammates and learn to make decisions in the heat of battle to victory.

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